Monday, January 28, 2008

An Endorsement

The big news today was the endorsement of Senator Ted Kennedy for Barack Obama. Very big news.

My endorsement means nothing in the world of politics and I've been debating whether to mention it on this blog or simply stay quiet. A news story prompted me to speak up.

The National Organization for Women (NOW) is very upset with Ted Kennedy for failing to endorse Hillary Clinton as the first woman president. Personally, I agree with Ted Kennedy. It's not enough to be the first woman president. The first woman must also be the best woman to hold the office of the presidency. I'm not convinced that Hillary Clinton is that woman and I prefer to hold out for someone else who would be better suited. I do hope she appears within my lifetime.

Sorry, NOW. I think the time is now for Barack Obama. I've followed his candidacy for months and I'm reading his book, Dreams From My Father. It's not only his writing style that impresses me, but the breadth and depth of his experiences. He is not simply a politician reaching for the brass ring. His very parentage and his upbringing helped prepare him. His youth and college days helped prepare him. He has worked hard to mobilize and build coalitions and I have every confidence that his hard work and vision will benefit the people of the United States. And, as Caroline Kennedy said, he is the first candidate to inspire in the way her father, and her uncle Bobby, did.

I was eleven years old when Bobby Kennedy was shot and I looked to him for hope. I remember the morning my mother woke me and told me he was dead. I mourned him. I had never felt this alive, as a U.S. citizen, until I heard Barack Obama speak and read what he had to say.

We truly must look beyond race and gender. Barack Obama is the best person for the office of the presidency in 2008.

I'm not famous or well-known. My opinion won't appear in any newspapers. I do encourage you to look at all the candidates. Seek the one who promises a vision rather than simply more of the same.

Monday, January 07, 2008


It's a new year and I'm not quite satisfied with this blog so I'm thinking about how I can revamp it. I will take at least one week off, or possibly two, to come up with a new approach.

Of course, I always appreciate your suggestions.