Thursday, September 22, 2005

Through the Looking Glass

Often during the last four years I have been reminded of the ancient Chinese curse, "May you live in interesting times."

I haven't posted for the last week or so because my life has been far too interesting. Between the fast pace of current events and my own daily struggle to teach middle schoolers, I have been far too befuddled to be able to put my thoughts together into a cohesive format.

But what got me today was something small. A mere footnote to the real drama of the world.

NASA is temporarily shut down because of the evacuation. NASA, the people who only last week were talking about missions to the moon and Mars. They can conquer space, but they can't continue operations on our own planet when unusual forces strike.

That's not all. While NASA is shut down, Russia will be running the international space station.


I grew up during the Cold War. Arms race. Space race. Evil commies. Imminent nuclear attack.

Thirty years ago, who could have imagined that the U.S. would have to depend on Russia? For the continuation of the space program, of all things.

Like many others, I got tired of the Cold War. I didn't like always being on edge, waiting for the next shoe to drop. I think that's why we are all a little tired of hearing about the War on Terror. One on-going conflict per lifetime, please.

But the announcement from NASA has given me hope. Today's enemies, tomorrow's allies.

Who will the U.S. turn to thirty years from now? Iran?

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