Tuesday, October 25, 2005

26 and counting!

Twenty-six years and a few days ago, according to the lunar calendar, I became a Muslim.

I didn't really know what I was doing at first. I studied Islam, and other religions, for five years before converting. But when the moment came, I just jumped in with both feet. And have never considered turning back.

Islam is the culmination of all my religious studies. Muslims believe that the Qur'an is the last revealed message. I see other religions as stepping stones to this final and complete revelation.

Ramadan is always special. But for me, the 19th of Ramadan holds special meaning. That was the day I took the leap into Islam. And I have never looked back.

The story of the day I converted is posted at www.Islamonline.net. Click on the link "Shahadah in Ramadan" for my story.

With all the conflict in the world, some people find it hard to believe that Islam is the religion of peace. But it's true. On a global scale, and on a personal level. My life has been far from perfect these last twenty-six years. But I do have peace.

1 comment:

Abu Muhammad said...

Assalamu Alaikum sister,

I was touched by your story on islamonline.com. May Allah accept all of us for his beautiful dheen!!