Thursday, December 08, 2005

A Noble Ideal

Thank you for sharing that, Abu Muhammad.

What prevents us from striving for the noble ideal? Are we too busy? Too distracted by the obligations of life? Is mass entertainment to blame? Or are we just too lazy?

Believing men and believing women. Working together to make life easier. Worshipping. Cooperating. Giving. Caring. Sounds like too much work, doesn't it?

I've often heard it said that Islam is too much work. All that praying and fasting. Putting on a scarf every time you leave the house. Watching what you eat. Being careful of what you say.

But consider the alternative. Alienation. Exploitation of women. Obesity and other health issues. Courtroom battles. Addiction. Violence. Emptiness. Sounds great, right?

Muslims are not immune from these problems. We fall prey to everything modern society has to offer. But only when we don't practice Islam.

Don't settle. Keep striving for the best, the noble ideal.

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