Saturday, February 25, 2006

Civil War

Divide and conquer.

Of all the military strategies in the world, this one is still the most effective. Persuade members of a group to turn against one another. Once that happens, they can be easily overtaken.

What dismays me is that people have trouble identifying this tactic when it is used against them. That's why, time and again, it remains effective.

The strategy of divide and conquer has been used often against Muslims. It generally provides the desired effect.

Now it is being used again. Someone--as yet unidentified, though said to be a professional--blew up the dome of the masjid in Samarra. And young Iraqi men took to the streets. Before the day was out, over a hundred people were dead and tens of Sunni masajid had been damaged or destroyed.

Allah said, "Hold fast to the Rope of Allah and do not be divided among yourselves." (Surah Al-Imran) And yet, the same people who loudly protest that we must stay away from the haram persist in allowing, or even creating, divisions in the ummah.

I hope that enough Iraqis understand what's going on, and refuse to be manipulated. Muslims can be divided only if we allow it. And unity is a command of Allah, as sure as the command to refrain from eating pork and much more significant for the well-being of all Muslims.

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