Monday, May 15, 2006

Just answer this question for me, please

Suddenly, illegal immigration has become a major topic. On the news. In the streets. Even in a specially-scheduled presidential address.

Have the demonstrations caused this? Or is there something else going on?

I know illegal immigration has been an issue for at least thirty years, and my guess would be it has been longer than that. If it has been going on for so long, then why now?

Education is in the dumps. Health care is severely lacking for a large percentage of the population. Fuel is increasingly expensive. American troops are being killed on a regular basis in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Russia and China are forming a formidable alliance, along with a number of smaller countries--including Iran. The dollar is falling worldwide. And so on and so forth.

So why is illegal immigration the issue du jour? What has caused this sense of panic over something which has been quietly debated for so long?

When I watch the TV news or read the papers or mainstream websites, I look for two things. What they report. And what they don't report.

While this brouhaha is being made over illegal immigration, what else is going on? What are we not being told this time?

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