Tuesday, August 08, 2006


As I read the headlines during my morning surfing, I imagine all the things I will write about in my blog later in the day. There is a great deal of material, especially these days.

But. . .we're moving to a different house in two weeks, we have an exchange student coming to live with us in less than a week, I'm trying to get my kids ready for the new school year, I have a few writing assignments, I'm getting ready for the ISNA Convention, and so on and so on. Not to mention a general sense of helplessness over the travesty in the Middle East.

So I don't think I will get a decent blog written this week. Maybe not until we get into our new house.

I love the month of August--many good things have happened to me, including being born--but I can't wait until September. We'll be settled (well, more or less) into the new house, my kids will be back in school and I'll have regained some control over my life.

But I don't have much hope for the Middle East.

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