Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Nine Minutes Beats Fifty

The State of the Union address was predictable in its inanity. The constant applause. The pie in the sky. How can anyone promise to balance the budget while maintaining two wars--and counting--and promising to take care of the entire continent of Africa?

The best speech of the night was delivered by James Webb. Republicans may deride him, but I don't understand how they can put down a man who cited his father's service in World War II, as well his own service in Vietnam (along with his brother), and his son's service in Iraq. When a man who has walked the walk talks about the mistakes of Iraq, it's time to listen.

The State of the Union speech was fifty minutes long. Webb spoke for nine minutes only. But his speech had substance. Bush simply made promises. And I didn't hear anything about the actual "state of the union."s

The most disturbing part of that speech was his portrayal of Muslims as extremists who wish to destroy civilization and spread chaos. I agree there are some people who call themselves Muslims and have gone over the edge. But that doesn't describe the majority of us, in any country. And what about the insurgency? Wouldn't Americans rally to fight any invading force in our own country? Why are we surprised when others do the same?

I hope the Republicans take the high road. But they probably won't. Resorting to middle school tactics such as name-calling just shows how desperate they are.

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