Monday, January 15, 2007

Seeking Armageddon

Some fundamentalist Christians, I've heard, have the perverse idea that they need to take action to hurry along the final showdown. They're anxious to wipe out the heathens once and for all and ascend to the right hand of God.

Muslims believe otherwise. We are told not to wish for the Day of Judgment. It will be a terrible day. And there will be no second chances. Unlike the fundamentalist Christians, we're n.ot confident on our entrance into heaven. It will depend mostly on God's mercy.

At any rate, the Christains--fundamentalists, that is--feel they must have a final victorious battle in which they completely wipe out Islam. I can tell, with confidence, that that won't happen.

It has become a battle of the religions. And innocent civilians are caught in the cross fire. Children in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Palestine whose only crime was to have been born into Muslim families. The newest battleground is Somalia, where nomads are being picked off by American forces. It's always Muslims.

Now they're talking about a war against Iran. In fact, it's been on the table for quite isome time. As stupid as the warmongering neocons appear to be, I believe they know exactly what they're doing. Iran is a strong country and will fight back hard. Possibly China and Russia will come to Iran's aid. We're talking about world war. And leaders in the White House couldn't be happier.

I don't understand the lust for blood and war, no matter what rationale is used to support it. The religious argument is the most offensive of all. God did not create us so we can kill each other.

I pray several times a day that God-Allah will stop the plan of an Iranian invasion. He's the only One who can.

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