Thursday, March 22, 2007

The Missing Media

In a perfect world, the media would serve the people's right to know.

But our world is far from perfect. Instead of impartial journalism we get paid shills promoting the latest propaganda. Up is down and right is left. Bush is always right. Protest is bad. War is peace. Peace is terrorism. . . .

As often as possible, I turn off the TV news--my husband likes to watch it, so sometimes I suffer in near silence--and get my news from the internet. Besides offering me a wealth of information, the internet delivers quietly, without the endless pontificating of self-appointed experts. I have hundreds, probably thousands, of choices. And if I don't want to hear one more word about Anna Nichol Smith, I don't follow the link.

It would be nice to see mainstream media working for the people, but that's really too much to ask.

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