Monday, June 04, 2007

Thought Crime

Have you ever thought of doing something wrong, maybe illegal? Maybe you even talked about it to your friends. Maybe they agreed. But you didn't do it. You just thought about it. Is that a crime?

We know of suspects who've been arrested for arranging to murder someone, but not until after the money had changed hands. At that point, the plot moved beyond thought into action.

But what if you just thought about it. Maybe it was a really bad idea. But it seemed good to you at the time. We're all human, aren't we?

I doubt you've been arrested just for thinking, or even discussing. Unless you're a Muslim.

Don't get me wrong. Talking about blowing up JFK is a really bad idea. Whoever came up with that plan should have had friends who'd talk him out of it and set him straight. You would do that for a friend, wouldn't you?

It was a bad idea. It was ill-conceived and ludicrous. But was it a crime?

1 comment:

2007 said...

I would talk my friend out of it but the minute he/she decides not to do i would drop our friendship like yesterday news. Don't get me wrong it would be that easy but i am a total believe of friends aren't for life and that they are the key person to misguide you. In islam prophet (pbuh) said " be careful of who you choose as friend". If they are thinking of blowing up JFK today by themself tomorrow they will be talking me or you into it.