Monday, December 10, 2007

It's Monday

My blog is always hardest to write on Monday. It's not for lack of ideas but simply lack of discipline after the weekend. What are my options?

There's the whole White House vs. NIE thing. Iran does not have as much as a program for developing nuclear weapons. There is no reason to attack. But that's yesterday's news.

There's the disappearance of CIA tapes. The White House has no comment on this one. I wonder what was on those tapes. We do not torture. . .do we?

There are the three recent shootings, one in Omaha and two in Colorado. To be very honest, I know many Muslims were relieved that the people involved were named Robert and Matthew rather than Ali or Osama. But the shootings were wrong, and tragic, and we are not relieved about that.

And there's the ice storm. It's hitting Kansas City right now. I lived in Kansas City during the ice storm of 2002. We went an entire week without electricity--huddled in front of the fireplace, all sleeping in one room, cooking only during the day because it was too dark at night. On the final day before our lights turned back on I had to go back to work--the school where I taught had also been in the dark. Coming home at 3:30 or 4:00 and trying to get a meal together before sunset taught me something. I understand why women did not work outside of the home until they had electricity.

So I guess there is a lot to talk about. But it's Monday. By tomorrow I should be warmed up. (Very warm, actually. They're predicting temperatures in the 60s. I am so glad we moved south last summer.)

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