Monday, February 18, 2008

Blurring the Truth

These are the comments I wrote for CNN earlier today. They are still awaiting "moderation" and will probably not be published:

If you want substance, vote for Obama.

Barack Obama has authored 152 bills and co-sponsored over 400 more while serving in the U.S. Senate. These include bills on government ethics, immigration reform, the Coburn-Obama Government Transparency Act and the Lugar-Obama Nuclear Non-proliferation and Conventional Weapons Threat Reduction Act.

And during his eight years in the Illinois state legislature he sponsored over 800 bills.

He also taught constitutional law for ten years at the University of Chicago.

Oh, and he wrote a best-selling book about modern American politics.

That's substantial.

Apparently my comments are too substantial for CNN. Published comments include ridiculous attacks against Obama's character. The latest, plagiarism, is the worst and the most ridiculous. Most news networks aren't even taking it seriously. How many different ways can politicians express their thoughts before they're accused of copying? There are only so many words.

Barack Obama is running a fair campaign but he is being met with one smear after another. I continue to pray that truth wins out over falsehood.

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