Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Interesting. . .

For a variety of reasons, I wasn't able to post yesterday. But there sure was enough to talk about.

Let's see. The president demanded that Americans cut consumption of oil, which was like adding insult to injury. It's bad enough we have to pay for the ridiculous prices at the pump. Now we're being lectured about using less gas. I'm sure most of us are already conserving, simply out of necessity.

Then there was the ban on certain websites for military service members. Sites like YouTube and MySpace. I know the military is strict--my veteran father taught me that--but the limits on free expression are becoming tighter. Why do soldiers fight for freedoms which they themselves cannot enjoy?

And what's going on with the security alert? What prompted it? When I walked into an airport terminal on Monday, the first thing I heard was an announcement that the level has been raised to orange. Being a Muslim, I found the timing to be unsettling. What happened?

Oh, and teachers in Tennessee thought it would be a good idea to scare a group of sixth graders, threatening them with death from an unknown source. You do still need to graduate from college in order to become a teacher, don't you?

Jerry Falwell died today. I never agreed with him. Now he'll know for sure who is right.

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