Friday, May 23, 2008


I don't usually post -on Fridays but Hillary Clinton's outrageous comment must be addressed. I would like to add my voice.

The 60s were a hopeful and very turbulent time. I remember them well. President John F. Kennedy was shot when I was in second grade. Can you imagine a 7-year old learning what the word "assassination" means?

Unfortunately, by the end of June, 1968 we all knew that word very well. First there was JFK. Then there was El-Hajj Malik Shabazz, better known as Malcolm X. Martin Luther King was assassinated in April, 1968. June brought the death of Bobby Kennedy.

I was eleven years old. My classs had just taken a field trip to the offices of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and our tour guide gave us each a copy of the day's paper. On the front was a picture of Bobby Kennedy. I read the article and started learning about him. That was the first time I became interested in a political candidate. We talked about him at home and I watched him on the news.

One morning my mother woke me up and told me that Bobby Kennedy had been shot. For the next forty years I searched for another candidate who would inspire me the way RFK had. I voted for unpopular candidates like Eugene McCarthy, hoping that my vote would make a difference. It didn't, of course. By the time I reached my forties I was sure everyone was right. All politicians are corrupt. We will never have a decent person in the White House.

Barack Obama changed that for me. When I listened to him speak, I felt inspired again. And this gifted leader actually has a chance. Can you imagine that? For the last few months I've felt like I was living a dream, afraid to wake up.

Hillary Clinton today invoked the awful memory of Bobby Kennedy's assassination and she also maliciously gave voice to the fears of many. There was no mistake in her words. Evidently she's waiting for a June surprise.

Those of us who were alive forty years ago still remember. Many of us also hope that this time it will be different.

This time we have found a true leader and this time he will take his place in the White House. This time the dream will not die.


Lahar said...


InsyaAllah, n may Allah show American's leader to the straight way. The way that blessed by Allah....

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

interesting thoughts.... Can you also share your views on:

Unknown said...

interesting thoughts.... Can you also share your views on:

Unknown said...

where can i get the other books of yours? and how much did u write of the echoes series ,cause i only read echoes, rebounding and turbulance.
btw how many comes after? whats the names? and is it published?

AlBaseerah.Org said...

Bismillah ir rahman ir raheem
asalamualikum warahma tullahi wabaraka tuhu noble brother/sister

I hope our message reaches you while you are upon the best state of health and emaan in this blessed month of Ramadan, in which it is encouraged that we engage in daw'ah to Allah as much as we can. And what could be the easiest way to do act of calling to Allah than just posting a blog or sending an email. We are not intending to SHAM in HERE by posting COMMENTS... but..

We at would like to request you to help us spread this message of our Hajj 2010 by posting
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It comes in Muslim (1017) from the hadeeth of Jarir bin ‘Abdillah -may Allah be pleased with him- that the Prophet -sallahu ‘alayhi wasallam- said: Whoever introduces a good practice in Islam which was followed after him (by people) he will have the reward like the one who has done it, without their rewards being diminished in the least.*

And he has attained by this a mighty reward from Allah the Most High, for indeed he -sallahu ‘alayhi wasallam- has said: Verily if Allah guides by way of you one man it is better for you than the red camels. Bukhaari (3009) and Muslim (2406) [Taken from: Towdeeh al-Ahkaam min Bulooghil Maraam by Ash-Sheikh ‘Abdullah bin ‘Abdur Rahman Al-Bassaam.]

Therefore, we hope O sister/brother that you seeking the pleasure of Allah in this blessed month of Ramadan you will just simply copy paste above given link's blog post to your blogs and also send it to your groups and contact list as an act of worship seeking nearness to Allah. May Allah reward you with good in this Duniyah and In the Akhira for cooperating with us upon Birr - righteousness - and Taqwa - piety as Allah has ordained.

Jazakum Allahu khayran kathiran wa baaraka Allahu feekum fidduniyah wa filakhira
was-salamualikum warahma tullahiwabaraka tuhu

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