Thursday, May 22, 2008

What a Week!

Every day this week I've thought about what I would write about in my blog. In the end, though, I was too tired to write.

On Monday my 18-year old and I went canvassing for Barack here in Lexington. When we went to get our assignment, the organizer told us we were in for a special treat. Michelle Obama was coming to Lexington that evening to speak with campaign volunteers. The event was held at the Lexington campaign office, with 400 invited volunteers and members of the press. It was wonderful to see her speak. She'll make a great first lady. Canvassing the next day was easy because I was fired up and ready to go.

On Tuesday night we watched the results of the Kentucky primary. I cringed as the gap widened. There was one small victory, though. Obama won Lexington. Also Louisville.

On Wednesday I planned to write about sexism. That seemed to be the topic of the day. I disagree with the charges. First, I don't think there was blatant sexism--unless you're talking about the "sweetie" thing and that wasn't malicious. Second, I don't think women should go around moaning and groaning. The world isn't always fair. We do the best we can and keep moving.

I was online much of the day today. It was all about Michigan and Florida. I agree with those who say rules are rules. They may not have been the best rules, but all candidates agreed to them and the states knew what they were doing. If the people of Michigan and Florida feel disenfranchised, they need to fight their state leaders on the issue.

In eight days members of the DNC will meet to discuss Michigan and Florida. A few days after that, all the primaries will be finished.

I hope we have a clearly-recognized nominee on June 4.

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