Monday, July 31, 2006

How much longer do we have?

Afghanistan, Iraq, and Lebanon are already out of time. Their houses have been reduced to rubble and their societies are in shambles. Once great civilizations are no more.

How much longer for the rest of us? What will be next? Syria? An errant missile or two has already crossed the border, and daily we hear about the grave threat posed by this country. A nation full of evil-doers who spend their time devising diabolical plots to annihilate the West. Right?

What about Iran? How much longer until Persia comes under fire? Will the former empire be destroyed by regular warfare, or should nukes be used?

I have read about a list which includes Sudan. Why not? They have oil. That should be reason enough.

And after they've gone after the Syrians, the Iranians, and the Sudanese, how much longer will the rest of us have? Is this the war to end it all?

Pray. Pray often and pray hard.

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