Thursday, July 20, 2006

Something a little different tonight

American troops still occupy Iraq. And Afghanistan. Israel continues to bombard Lebanon. The propaganda war becomes more volatile every day. In general, the world is a mess.

But even the toughest newshound can't keep it up 24/7. Many Americans are already burnt out. I'm not, but I'm ready for a break. There's only so much we can absorb, especially when we are helpless to change anything.

I had a refreshing experience last week when I went to see a naturopathic doctor. I've heard all the warnings, and struggled with them, but I've also been turned off by traditional medicine. I can't blame most of the doctors. But they can't take the time to listen to their patients for 90 minutes. My naturopathic doctor did, and I feel it has made a world of difference.

I'm still facing a lot more time and effort to get my health back on track. But for the first time in twenty years I feel that I'm heading in the right direction. And that's a great position to be in.

So the world is going to hell in a hand basket, but not all is lost. If you want to concentrate on the negative, it's easy to find. But there are also many positives. You just need to be open to the possibilities.

And I continue to pray for all of the innocent people who have been caught up in the wars.

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