Thursday, September 21, 2006

Have Pity!

I remember, when I was growing up, hearing about the poor people who lived in Russia. They didn't have the freedom to speak, write, worship or even travel. Everyone hated the evil Soviet empire, but we felt sorry for the people who were forced to endure unspeakable tyranny.

In this last week, two world leaders have stood before the United Nations General Assembly and expressed their sympathy for people who live under the rule of a tyrant. A devil even, one speaker said. Both expressed their sympathy for the poor people of the United States of America.

I remember when this nation was a true world leader. Exporting goods, promoting education, and sending envoys to various parts of the world, calling for peace. It was Camelot, and for one brief shining moment everything seemed right with this country. Well, except for that problem of racial segregation. In fact, this country has never existed without some form of racism or xenophobia.

But otherwise things were pretty good. Industry was strong and this country was respected thrughout the world. Well, except for Vietnam. Striving to conquer the lands of others has always been another weak point.

And families were intact. Mother took care of the children while Father went out to earn a living. The youth of America were strong, determined, anf ambitious. Well, except for those who got into sex, drugs and rock 'n roll.

Okay, maybe there were a few problems even then. But people didn't pity us or hate us. At least we had a little self-respect.

When I watched the Decider up at the U.N. podium, I tried to picture JFK instead. Can you imagine? We once had a president who spoke the English language language and delivered orations, not sound bites.

We are pitiful. But it's not entirely our fault. I want a recount. And leave the Supreme Court out of it this time.


In related news, the Mexican equivalent of Al Gore is forming his own parallel government. I guess the Mexicans have more bravado than we do.

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