Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Lost Boys

The saddest story I read tonight was about the 12-year old whose mother called police because the boy had opened, and taken, one of the presents under the Christmas tree. Police charged the boy with petty larceny.

Of course what the boy did was wrong. But will giving him a police record at the age of 12 improve his chances for a successful life? Or will it ensure he's in prison by the time he's 18?

The family has many challenges. The mother is 27 and single--her son was obviously born when she was just a teen. With a young mother and no father, how will a child learn?

Twelve-year old boys are particularly difficult. I've raised five of them, and I have one more to go. They are self-centered and short-sighted. Hormones are raging and they don't know what to do with all their energy. They must be carefully nourished, constantly guided, and frequently reassured.

Gone are the days when Ward Cleaver sat down with Beaver and patiently taught him about life. Too often young boys and their stressed-out mothers are left to struggle without support.

What can you do about that?

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