Wednesday, December 20, 2006

What's the point?

Will there be 3000 American dead in Iraq by the end of 2006? Not likely, but it's possible.

Meanwhile, more troops are being sent. Why? To deepen the chaos and increase the number of deaths? I don't see any other reason. Unless it's a misguided attempt to save a war which cannot and should not be saved. But I think it's a little late for that.

I was one of those standing on the street corner in the weeks before the invasion of Iraq. Some honked. Many cursed. When The Decider began the war, in spite of all conventional wisdom, I lost hope. Not entirely. But it seemed pointless to stand outside in the cold and voice your opposition to a war which would begin no matter what you, or anyone else, said because that's what the dictator, er president, has decided.

Americans spoke at the polling places last month. Soon the new Congress will be seated. And if they continue with the same old mistakes, the same old lies, I will know it has all been pointless.

But hope is good. Without it, what is there?

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