Monday, April 10, 2006

Bombing people who might be developing weapons

I wasn't surprised to hear about the White House plans to drop a nuclear bomb on Iran. Anyone who reads news on the internet knew this months ago. In fact, I'm thankful it hasn't happened yet.

I'm also happy to see this news made public. Make the White House accountable to the American people. That is how a democracy works, isn't it?

Unfortunately, many Americans are convinced Iran is evil, thanks to the propaganda machine otherwise known as the media. This is nothing new. During World War I, Germans were evil. During World War II, Japanese were evil. During the Korean and Vietnam Wars, the government went after Communists in general--a broad definition catching many in its net. Now, of course, Muslims are the enemies. Muslim terrorists. Muslim insurgents. Muslim suicide bombers.

I wonder how many Americans question the president when he says democracy must be brought to Iran. The leaders of Iran are democratically elected. In fact, Ahmedinajib is more a democratic leader than Bush, who stole two presidential elections.

When the U.S. went after Iraq, the country had been weakened by eleven years of embargo. Disease and malnutrition were widespread. Iran is much stronger than Iraq was. If the U.S. military cannot beat Iraqis into submission, how are they supposed to conquer Persia?

The Iranians may develop nuclear weapons. Therefore we must attack them. Does that actually make sense to anyone?

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