Thursday, April 27, 2006

I wish we had a representative government

I used to live in a state where I had no representation. Both senators were Republicans who believed more in party loyalty than listening to the people. My representative had personal problems which seriously interfered with her work.

Two years ago, a new representative was elected in my district. I was certain he would come through. But I didn't see his name on the list of the 21 congresspersons who voted against the Iran Freedom Act today. My fellow constituents and I have been sold up the river again.

The Iraq Freedom Act led to a destroyed country, nearly 2400 soldiers dead (and counting), at least 30,000 civilian deaths and a tarnished international reputation. In Washington, this is considered to be a great success.

Iranians have freedom under a democratically elected government. In fact, they probably have more freedom than Americans do. Which is why they need to be destroyed so their country can be rebuilt in the image of the grand ol' U.S. of A. The same way Iraq has been successfully rebuilt, right?

Taxation without representation is tyranny. But how many people even care?

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