Thursday, April 20, 2006

Exercising freedom of speech in an open and fair society

In China, a citizen cannot openly criticize her leader. Evidently, she can't criticize her leader in the United States either.

I understand the Decided may have been embarrassed by the outburst this morning, but what a wonderful opportunity to display freedom in action.

Unfortunately, this country is becoming what we always criticized the communists of being. Unjust. Unethical. Uncaring.

Do as I say, not as I do. Isn't that the way it goes?

1 comment:

Johnny Gall said...

look, Freedom is a pretty all-or-nothing concept.
you can't be free, except for this one thing.
If you're truly free, there are no restrictions.
now, this is a pretty bad idea, which is why we don't have complete freedom, but we have freedom of speech, and that means total freedom. we should be allowed to say what we wish, where we wish. Otherwise, what's the point of speaking at all? If someone tells you what you're allowed to say, you might as well completely shut up, because there will always be something you want to say that you can't. speech is meant to espress yourself, and you should be allowed to express everything you feel, not merely the things others believe to be suitable.

while this might've been a inappropriate place to say such things, there may've been no other choice. it's often pretty hard to be heard under typical circumstances. sometimes when something NEEDS to be heard, you have to go the extra mile.