Monday, April 24, 2006

Politics, Lies and Videotapes

Osama bin Laden strikes again.

A videotape is released on Sunday. A bombing is executed on Monday. Better watch out for those blood-thirsty Muslim terrorists.

According to some sources, Osama Bin Laden is dead. Government experts swear to the authenticity of the tape. But the timing of the release of these tapes is always curious. Just as talk of impeachment is heating up. Another threat. We can't talk about impeaching the president. We need to stand united against this enemy.

Muslims come in all shades--good, bad and indifferent. But I can't believe all the accusations of bombings, kidnappings and terrorism in general. If Muslim really are doing all these things, we must be the stupidest people to ever inhabit the face of the earth.

I don't think we're that violent. And I don't think we're that stupid.

As they say, whenever an act of "terrorism" occurs, ask yourself, Who benefits?

Not the Muslims.

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