Thursday, November 30, 2006

Bah, humbug!

First, I need to say that I have no problem with anyone celebrating Christmas. That's your personal choice. If you want to celebrate the birth of Jesus (which was actually in the spring) or the winter solstice then go ahead. Put up a nativity scene in your yard and find the biggest tree for your living room. I won't complain.

But I don't like having Christmas shoved down my throat for four or five weeks--not counting Christmas in July and those ambituous entrepreneurs who put out Christmas merchandise on November 1. The TV shows, the commercials, the ads, the traffic. The holiday has come a long way from that humble manger.

I can't even listen to my favorite Oldies station on the radio when I drive. Back to back Christmas songs from the middle of November until the end of December. Have that many Christmas songs been written?

And I have one more beef about Christmas ads for Christmas gifts, many of which will be returned. Have you noticed that "gifts for women" includes perfume and jewelry while the "gifts for men" includes cool things like computers? Just a little peeve of mine.

Go ahead and celebrate if that's your thing. I won't bring any lawsuits. But I will scream when, on December 25, the top news is that it's Christmas. Doesn't everybody know that by now?

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