Monday, November 27, 2006

We Need a Plan

One of the major themes of the 2006 elections was that Democrats don't have a plan for getting out of Iraq. I'm no longer a registered Democrat, but I vote that way most of the time, so will my plan count?

First, the American troops must leave. War does not equal peace no matter how long and complicated the equation is. And soldiers should not be expected to enforce peace at the point of a gun. That simply won't work.

In their place, the U.S. and allies--the ones who helped destroy Iraq in the first place--should send honest contractors (not those guys who are stealing U.S. tax dollars) to rebuild Iraq. Roads, bridges, schools, hospitals all need to be repaired. The depleted uranium should be removed, if possible. The people of Iraq need to be allowed to trade freely with the rest of the world.

And what about the insurgents, one might ask. Wouldn't they be shooting those contractors?

Maybe. At first. But I'm sure the number of American dead would be far fewer than the 2900 we're approaching now. And once the people of Iraq see the good intentions of the contractors, they would work to stop the insurgency.

And another thing. The U.S. needs to stop "imposing democracy" and allow the people of Iraq to choose their own leaders. In fact, that needs to happen throughout the Middle East.

Being a control freak ensures a couple of things. First, you will get things done your way, maybe, but everyone will resent you. And you'll lose far more than you'll gain.

It's time for the United States to allow other people to run their own countries. Bring the troops home. Offer humanitarian assistance. Don't dominate. Cooperate.

I don't think that will happen. This country is too engrossed in power and control. But I do think it's what should happen. And if it doesn't, the greatest casualty will be the United States of America. Spending on arms and ignoring well-being. Fostering global hate and neglecting the needs of the citizens.

We should have learned something from Vietnam. In that case, cutting and running made it possible for Bush to have a friendly visit there last week. The success of Vietnam should teach Americans about the benefit of leaving other countries alone.

But it probably won't. And that's a real shame. Because we need a plan for peace.

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