Monday, July 09, 2007

Peace Be Upon You

I'm back. It's been a productive month. Our new home is settled and I'm ready to carry on.

I plan to try something new. Each week I will choose a theme, and discuss this theme from different perspectives. You're very welcome to join in.

The first theme is, of course, peace.


"Assalaamu alaikum." This is the greeting among Muslims. No matter what the native language, every Muslim understands this phrase.

We hope for peace. Inner peace, more than anything. We try to control our tempers and be peaceful in difficult times. We look forward to and hope for an afterlife of peace. Everything we do--praying, fasting, generosity--is meant to develop a sense of peace in the individual. When one person is peaceful, this can spread to the family, the community, and so on.

Peace is a belittled word sometimes. Nearly everyone wants it, but most say it's impossible.
Is it?

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