Tuesday, October 02, 2007

He Was Right

Five years ago, Barack Obama spoke out against the war in Iraq. His voice was one of the minority. But, as it turns out, he was right.

Iraq is a quagmire. The Iraqi people are much worse off than they were before the arrival of U.S. troops. American casualties continue to rise (though at a slower pace, war supporters announced gleefully yesterday-- it doesn't matter if one soldier is killed, not if that one soldier is your son). Terrorism, whatever that is, has increased since the beginning of the war. Have I left anything out? Oh yeah. Depleted uranium poisoning. Cholera. Where's the good in this war?

Or any war, for that matter. Wars are fought by the young to satisfy the greed of the old. And in this case, the old did not fight when they were young. They had other obligations.

I won't promote a political candidate on this blog. But we could use a little vision in the White House.

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