Tuesday, October 16, 2007


The most interesting story I read today was about the arrest of a woman in Pennsylvania. Apparently, she was cursing at her overflowing toilet. While I probably wouldn't curse in that situation, I can certainly understand the sentiment.

That should be the end of the story. But her bathroom window was open. A neighbor, an off-duty police officer, heard her cursing and told her to stop. She didn't. He arrested her for 'disorderly conduct.'

The woman was not standing outside. She was in her bathroom. And don't tell me puritanical Americans are too innocent to hear the curse words she uttered near her window. The same words are on TV and in the movies.

The right to privacy isn't enumerated in the U.S. Constitution, but it has been implied and is applied to rulings on abortion. This woman didn't want to get rid of her unborn child, she only wanted to rid herself of frustration over the flooding toilet.

When will the U.S. go back to being a democracy?

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