Wednesday, August 10, 2005

A Mother

I keep meaning to write more about Joshua, but so much is happening in the news that I just can't ignore.

Down in Texas right now, there is a David v. Goliath kind of struggle going on. A mother, Cindy Sheehan, lost her son in the Iraq War. She went down to Crawford, Texas to demand a personal meeting with Bush. Bush has said repeatedly how much he appreciates the sacrifice of the men and women in the armed services, and their families. This is his time to prove it.

But so far he refuses to meet with her. She is camped outside of his ranch. Her cause is growing, and there are now military families from across the country who are traveling to Texas to join her.

A mother's love. She proudly sent her son to serve his country. But that was before she knew he was headed into an unjust war. Before he went to his death, fighting for nothing more than the misguided vision of a short-sighted administration. Not to defend his country. Simply to advance the selfish agenda of some very selfish people. People who will not send their own children to fight. People who sit back and watch their income grow as a result of the war.

About 1800 American troops have died so far in this war. Including five who died today. Anywhere from 20,000 to 100,000 Iraqi civilians have been killed. Cities have been destroyed, including many mosques. The land has been contaminated by depleted uranium. A society, in the cradle of civilization, has been brought down.

Why? Cheaper gas prices? Safety for Americans? Freedom for Iraqis? It hasn't happened.

Cindy Sheehan, and all of the other mothers and fathers who unknowingly sent their children to fight in a corrupt cause, deserve to be heard. President Bush, are you listening?

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