Tuesday, August 16, 2005

What's Wrong With Peace, Part II

War is glory. Peace is weakness.

War creates respect. Peace creates disdain.

War. Flags flying, bands playing, soldiers marching in fresh uniforms.

Peace. A bunch of long-hairs sitting around playing guitars and smoking weed.

War makes our nation stronger. Peace shows our enemies how weak we are.

Or, as George Orwell put it, War is peace. Meaning there can be no peace without war. War without end.

Is that the truth? Or just the media-packaged truth?

Prophet Muhammad (S) taught us how to treat our enemies well. There are many examples of this. The greatest example occured in the Conquest of Makkah. Ten thousand Muslims marched into the city from which they had been exiled, and later banned. But there was no bloodbath. No massacre. Only forgiveness.

Prophet Muhammad (S) did not use napalm or depleted uranium to conquer his enemies. He used the truth. And truth won out over falsehood. It always will.

Right now falsehood is in the lead. Might makes right. War. Good. Peace. Bad.

But truth always wins out in the end. It just takes time. It just needs patience.

And that's the greatest thing about peace. Peace is patient. Waiting for the time when men are ready to stop acting like beasts. And sometimes it happens.

It happened many times during the life of Prophet Muhammad (S). What about now?

Pray for peace.

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