Friday, November 11, 2005

Blaming Muslims

So what else is new? Something goes "boom" and all fingers point to Muslims. Islamic groups issue statements removing themselves from the violence. A video emerges of a man with a covered face taking responsibility for the latest attrocity. Everyone knows Muslims are violent, right?

After all these years of practicing Islam, when I hear the word "terrorist" my first thought is "Muslim." Why? Because I've been programmed to think that way, just like everyone else in the U.S. I know Muslims aren't terrorists, but I've been trained by the media to believe that we are.

When something goes boom, the response should not be to go after the nearest Muslim. The response should be to ask, Who benefits?

Muslims do not benefit from acts of terrorism. Never have. Every explosion creates a backlash against innocent Muslims. So why would any Muslim, even the most fanatic, be so stupid as to keep blowing things up?

And all that talk about Islam being a religion of peace? Well, it's true. If you don't believe me, spend a day with practicing Muslims. Watch them during the prayer. Listen to them greet their fellow Muslims. Better yet, look at their faces as they break the fast during Ramadan. You don't have to accept the teachings of Islam in order to recognize the peace.

There are over one-and-half billions of us on the earth, and not all practice the faith. Some are fanatics. Others are afraid of what the neighbors might say. Many more are simply too lazy. If they're too lazy to pray five times a day, why in the world would they want to go out setting off bombs?

Blaming Muslims. What a simple game. Anyone can play.

But can anyone tell me why Muslims would blow up hotels owned and occupied by Palestinians?

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