Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Paycheck or Mission?

I have a son who has started applying for his first job. He's been reluctant to put in applications at fast food places. He wants a job which, he says, makes an important contribution to society.

I admire his sentiments, but I'm trying to talk him out of his attitude. When he's older, I hope he has that intention. Now, I tell him, he just needs to get out into the workplace and start saving money for college.

Some people work all their lives for a paycheck. This is noble in itself, especially when it's done to support a family. Others, though, are fortunate enough to work for a mission or a passion.

I quit teaching five years ago because what had been a passion became simply working for a paycheck. I started writing, which is my truest passion. Though there's not much money in it yet. I'm still hoping to find a balance.

It's not easy, is it?

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