Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Over the last few days I've managed to get into a few online discussions about religion. They've all be stimulating. I often didn't agree with the other person's point of view, but I don't think there always has to be a resolution. Sometimes it's fine to just disagree.

Throughout the day today I've noticed responses to the latest CNN poll about praying for rain. The clear majority doesn't believe it. I find that also interesting--especially since I now live in the Bible belt and spent the weekend traveling down highways and seeing crosses at least every ten miles. Obviously, some people do believe.

On Saturday I spoke with a Muslim woman from Jamaica. Her family is Christian. I asked about atheists and agnostics in her country. She said there were none until a few years ago. That really made me wonder.

What is it about faith and belief which appears to be backward? Is it because of the rich evangelists who do not practice what they preach? Do Catholic pedophiles or Muslim suicide bombers have anything to do with it? Or is that all an excuse?

My faith shouldn't depend on the deeds or misdeeds of someone else. I believe in Something greater than that. There are bad people in every religion, and there are bad people who have no religion. Sometimes outwardly religious people do bad things--I interpret this as a personal failure rather than an indictment of the system.

Don't talk about religion, they say. Lately it seems that's all I have been talking about. And I'm surprised at the anti-religious tendencies (outside of the Bible belt, that is) I've seen.

It does take faith. But so does getting up in the morning. Otherwise we might as well just pull the covers over our heads and continue to sleep.

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