Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Least of These

I was poor, I was thirsty, I was homeless, I was sick. You helped me because you helped those who were in these conditions.

This is one of the Biblical stories I learned as child. Helping the needy, rather than turning away from them, brings tremendous rewards. (Excuse me for my very liberal paraphrasing.)

There are many such lessons in the Bible. The Good Samaritan helped a man when others, thought to be higher in social rank, would not. Jesus instructed his followers to "turn the other cheek." He also is reported to have said, "The meek shall inherit the earth."

Being kind isn't always easy. Those who are poor and homeless make us uncomfortable. The sick and disabled remind us of our own frailties. It's easier to just live our own lives and keep walking, like the Pharisees.

But we are expected to help those who have nothing. We aren't kind because we expect a reward. We're kind because kindness is what's right.

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