Thursday, August 02, 2007

Staying Hopeful

I hope the U.S. pulls the troops out of Iraq sometime during my life time.

I hope Afghanistan finally becomes stabilized, after more than 30 years of political instability and outright war.

I hope the world wakes up to the plight of Palestine.

I hope that, in the future, this country has a president who cares more about infrastructure than about building bombs.

I have many hopes. I can't do anything about the ones I've just listed. They are more like wishes and dreams.

But I also hope my sons all grow up to be good husbands and fathers, and productive members of society.

I hope my grandchildren are raised with manners and morals.

I hope my writing will make a positive impact on those who read my works.

These I can do something about. I have some control. That's what I can work toward.

In terms of the rest. . .I'll keep praying.

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