Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Busy. . .

Today was very busy. At some point I overheard a news broadcast about the Middle East, and it didn't sound good. I haven't had time to check it out.

To be informed, we need to stop what we're doing and really listen.

1 comment:

ummahzy said...

Funny how skipping the news just one day can cause you to miss so much.

This morning, my dad called me from overseas saying "just wanted to let you know that everyone here is fine". I thought he was just saying it because we havent chatted in a while and somehow he heard my mind from miles away, wondering i my elderly parents were fairing well.

Then later I read that there had been severe weather in my hometown. That's why he called!

Just one day i got busy and didn't check the news from back home and I missed a big story.

That same day I didnt check the news back home and my fiance in the middle east knew the big story in the US before me! "that was my lead story last night" he replied to my sms which foolishly said "don't know if you heard about the massacre at a Virginia Uni"

duh! he's a journalist
he never misses the news

Funny how skipping the news just one day can cause you to miss so much.