Monday, April 16, 2007


The obvious story for every blogger today is the Virginia Tech shooting. It's being called the greatest mass murder in the history of the U.S.

But I wasn't there--unlike the scores of student bloggers who can probably provide something more substantial. And I have some serious questions about the official story. First, like everyone else, I wonder about the connection between the two shootings on the campus and why college officials and police failed to act sooner. I also wonder about the news report I heard stating that the suspect, who supposedly killed himself, was shot beyond recognition. How many times can a person shoot himself?

So I won't write about the Virginia Tech murders today. Instead, I ask my readers to remember other important issues. What about Iraq? I would like to know more about al-Sadr's coalition. Apparently, Sunnis and Shias are coming together in opposition to American military presence.

What about Afghanistan? Is America still losing? How much opium is being produced in the country this year?

Tell me about South Korea. They failed to meet an deadline regarding their weapons. What's next?

When will the U.S. go to war against Iran? What crisis will set off the war?

And why is gas nearly $3.00/gallon? How rich do the oil executives really need to be?

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