Monday, April 09, 2007

Needs or Wants

The lesson is usually learned at a fairly young age. It's not, "I need a new toy." Instead, parents instruct the tot to say "I want a new toy." Successful adults learn to separate needs from wants, which is an important life lesson for staying out of trouble.

Unfortunately, not all adults have caught on. They continue to confuse wants with needs, often demanding far more than they should.

Such is the case with our dear leader. He reminds me of Captain Hook who, in the movie "Hook" said, "I want my war." Except that our dear leader is much less concise with his language. We know he wants the war, mostly for the sp(oil)s, but he continues to claim that he needs it. That America needs it.

America needs a new war like she needs an idiot president. Our armed forces are already stretched too thin. Important programs have been cut to free more dollars for weapons. We don't need the two wars we have--and most of us don't want them either. We certainly don't want or need another conflict.

But the war drums continue to beat. Iran has the capability to build nuclear weapons. So do many other countries, not counting those which are already nuclear. Iran took 15 British sailors as prisoners--and released them in good health. Iran is a Muslim country, and proudly so. Oh, and I do believe Iran probably has something called oil.

I pray almost daily that this war will be averted, and so far it has been. The problem is the leaders who preach that war with Iran is a necessity, when really it is only a heart-felt (make that wallet-felt) desire.

We need to sit these people down and teach them something kindergarteners already know.

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