Thursday, February 15, 2007

Age of Aquarius

As I write, I'm listening to a Beatle's CD I bought yesterday. All the memories. Like when I was eight and I couldn't understand why someone would write a song called "I Want to Hold Your Hand." (How times have changed!)

The 60s and early 70s were full of turbulence, but they were also times of tremendous hope. The hope is gone now, replaced by fear. Fear of others, and of all the dangers of the world--which we are reminded of daily on the evening news.

I too long for "Yesterday." When people could feel groovy without consulting a therapist or taking a pill. When Americans believed in peace and successfully struggled to curb institutional racism, bring the troops home from Vietnam, and force the resignations of the president and vice-president, both of whom were corrupt.

In the words of one of many favorite songs (not from the Beatles), Baby, let your hair hang down. Don't sit around wringing your hands and bemoaning the state of this country. Do something.

We need a renewal. Another Age of Aquarius.

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