Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The first casualty of war. . .

Propaganda flies daily from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. These days, the message is this. Iran is dangerous. They must be stopped. All they'll understand is force. War may be necessary.

But it's not that blatant. These days, the White House is working to building suspicion of Iranian activity in Iraq. The latest is that Sadr, the Iraqi religious leader, traveled to Iraq a few weeks ago. One can only guess his nefarious intentions. Iraqis deny the entire story. But the White House persists. Just as it insisted on the story of the shell, which was said to have been made in Iran. This, even though the writing on the shell was in English.

It's a time-honored tradition. Remember the Spain. Join the fight against Kaiser Wilhelm. Defeat the Japs. Contain communism. Prevent the spread of terrorism.

Muhammad said it first. "War is deceit." I dare anyone to prove that statement wrong. No matter how many die in war, civilians and military combined, the first casualty is truth.

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