Monday, February 19, 2007

Inching toward war

We all know George Bush is too unpopular to initiate war with Iran. He got by with it once, loudly proclaiming the threats posed by Saddam's non-existent weapons of mass destruction. But the majority of Americans won't be fooled again, and there's no Colin Powell to give a 90-minute presentation of lies and half-truths (and I know Powell regrets that presentation).

So what's a president to do but provoke Iran into war? Two cross border attacks in Iran last week are said to have the earmarks of American involvement. U.S. warships are in the Persian Gulf. An Iranian diplomat has been seized in Baghdad. How much can Ahmedinejad take before he retaliates?

Fortunately, Ahmedinejad is much more intelligent than Bush, and he understands what's at stake. But how much will he tolerate?

Apocalyptic freaks pray for a world war, but the rest of us are scared--or should be. An attack on Iran will drag Russia, and possibly China, into the fray. And Iran, which has not been weakened by thirteen years of sanctions, is much stronger than Iraq was. Even at that, no rational person can say the U.S. is winning in Baghdad.

George Bush is on a holy mission. Control oil and wipe out Islam. Neither of these goals is feasible. But he is determined to continue on his path of destruction.

We all need to pray that he does not drag all of us along with him.

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