Thursday, February 22, 2007

Another flashpoint

There are many places where war, or more war, is simply a step--a single mistake--away. One is the Persian Gulf.

Another is Jerusalem. Tomorrow--today--is Friday. Will Israeli troops bar worshipers from Masjid Al-Aqsa? Will the worshipers become angry and become engaged in another battle of rocks vs. bullets? And what is the Israeli government allowing to be done to the structure? Will it all collapse one day? And if it does, will the Muslim world rise up?

Jerusalem has been a holy city for centuries. After the creation of Israel, it was designated as an international city where all three Abrahamic faiths could worship without difficulty. That sounded nice on paper, but it isn't working.

Masjid Al-Aqsa has a special place in the hearts of Muslims worldwide. It is the third of three holy places, the first two being in Makkah and Madinah. Salahuddin liberated Jerusalem from the Crusaders. I've heard many Muslims ask when the next Salahuddin will come. Some give their sons that name. And some sons hope to be the one to free the holy city.

Cooperation would have been nice, if it had worked. It's too late for that now. The conflict will eventually explode. The only question is, When?

Peace has always been elusive, but it is ever more so these days.

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