Tuesday, February 06, 2007

How much did you say that was?

The Decider has submitted a 2.9 trillion dollar budget. He also promised in the State of the Union speech to balance the budget. The only way that will happen is if you and me, the people in the middle get squeezed for every penny of tax money. And that's very possible.

What can you do with 2.9 trillion dollars? Could you provide universal health care for every American? Many countries already offer that to their citizens. Could you upgrade schools and lower the cost of college tuition? This country lags in educational achievement. Could you develop programs to help the homeless? This terrible legacy of Reaganomics needs to be addressed in a compassionate manner. Could you rebuild New Orleans? The poor neighborhoods, I mean. Could you fix the hundreds of levees throughout the country which the Army Corps of Engineers has pronounced unfit? In short, could you do the patriotic thing and help your country and your fellow citizens?

I imagine you could. But in this 2.9 trillion dollar budget, most of the money is going for war. The Decider has deliberately cut some funding for education, Medicare, Medicaid, and other programs, to ensure there is enough to continue the war effort. The business of killing is much more important, according to this budget, than the business of living. And the patriotic thing to do is to kill as many as possible in the name of the United States of America. And let God sort it out.

I hope Congress has the backbone to stand up to this very unpatriotic proposal and do what's right for the American people. And that includes the Senate.

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