Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Are we going to get to work or will we just keep partying?

I remember partisan politics of the past. I came of age, politically, during the Nixon administration. He was very good at it. But the mid-term election of 2006 diminishes even Tricky Dick.

I remember January 1993 when Rush Limbaugh started his "America Held Hostage" countdown. Because Clinton was in the oval office, dire predictions abounded. Unfortunately for the naysayers, the economy thrived and peace was at hand. That's why the Republicans had to produce a blue dress to make Clinton look bad.

I remember October 2000 when major Islamic organizations announced they would support George Bush for president because he had met with them while Gore declined. I was running errands when I first heard that announcement. I screamed at the radio and pounded the steering wheel. And when I went home I ranted about foreign Muslim doctors and engineers who knew nothing about American politics. I was a social studies teacher at the time, and every Muslim parent knew that the worst thing their child could study was the social sciences. There's no money in it. (Though parents have recently discovered that lawyers are paid well, and so we have a new batch of young Muslims pursuing political science and pre-law.)

I remember the Constitution.

America is not about donkeys and elephants and who can raise the most money for his or her campaign. It's about choosing the best person for the job. And we, the people, are the employers who can hire and fire our leaders.

That's something we really need to remember.

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