Thursday, October 12, 2006

Mysteries and Anxieties

When I heard about the plane which crashed into a New York apartment building, my first thought was my son. I hadn't seen him in a long time. He, his wife, and their daughter--whom I had never seen--were on their way for a month-long visit. The idea of military jets being sent out to shoot down any plane which fell under suspicion increased my anxiety. Thankfully, they landed safely a few hours ago and I'm feeling great--if a little sleepy.
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Why did the plane fly into the building? Will we know? I wonder how many secrets are contained in this one incident, and how many of them will be revealed.

I found one particular phrase in the initial CNN report to be somewhat troubling. According to White House sources, the report said, the crash was not due to terrorism. This came within only a few hours of the crash. How could the White House know?

I have flown only once in the last 14 years. I probably will fly again--it's hard to avoid--but I don't imagine I'll enjoy it. The pressure of take-off and the speed of the descent are enough to make me anxious. Add to that the possibility of an overzealous air marshal or a fighter jet with the wrong information. In some ways, they scare me more than the shadowy threat of terrorism. And of course there are the usual culprits--human error, severe weather, and mechanical failure. Dark thought which make me reluctant to fly the not-so-friendly skies.

My son and his family are here, and I am a very happy mother and grandmother tonight. But I wish they didn't have to fly.

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