Monday, October 16, 2006

Ramadan Attacks

I haven't watched the news lately, but the last time I did I heard that Ramadan was a time when Muslims were more likely to commit violent acts. That's interesting.

Okay, if someone says he is bombing something for the sake of Allah--well, first, he needs to go back to Islam 101 because he obviously missed something. Besides that, we would assume he is a Muslim fundamentalist (as opposed to Christian fundamentalists, some of whom cheer the Administration in its quest to "kill them all and let God sort them out"). A Muslim fundamentalist would, by definition, follow the fundamental beliefs and practices of Islam, including fasting all day every day during Ramadan from dawn to sunset.

So, you have a Muslim fundamentalist who wakes up in the early morning to eat and drink, then prays and reads Qur'an. He probably has a job to go to, so he does that. And in the evening he breaks his fast with water and dates, then prays, then eats a large meal. An hour or so later our Muslim fundamentalist will go to the mosque to stand for the night prayers--all 20 rakah. This takes at least an hour, and quite possibly longer. Then, because he is a fundamentalist, he will read Qur'an and possibly pray some more before going to sleep.

My question is, where do the Muslim fundamentalists find the time and energy to blow things up?

1 comment:

Earthmom said...

Hilarious observation! I would like to link your blog to my newly established blog, if it is okay with you sister.